ANNUAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY FOR SERVICE DELIVERY Customer Survey Section 1: Personal Information 1. Name/Organization (Optional): 2. Contact Information (Optional): 3. Type of Customer Individual Corporate Government Agency Others(Please specify): 4. Frequency of interaction with NEMSA First time Occasionally (1-5 times a year) Regularly (more than 5 times a year) Section 2: Service Provision/Delivery 1. What type of service(s) have you received from NEMSA? (select all that is applicable) Inspection and certification of new electrical installation Certification of electrical installations personnel Calibration and certification of electricity meter Warehousing service Other (Please specify): 2. Was the service provided within specified time? Yes No Partially 3. How satisfied are you with the professionalism of NEMSA staff? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 4. How transparent were NEMSA’s processes in handling your service request? Very transparent Transparent Neutral Not transparent Section 3: Communication 1. How easy was it to reach NEMSA for service inquiries or complaint? Very easy Easy Difficult Very difficult 2. Did you receive timely updates and communication regarding your service request? Yes No Somewhat Section 4: Feedback on improvement 1. What areas of NEMSA’s service do you believe need improvement? (please select all that is applicable) Technical experience Professionalism Speed of service Communication Transparency Others (Please specify): 2. How would you rate NEMSA’s overall performance in service delivery? Excellent Good Average Poor 3. Based on your experience, would you recommend NEMSA’s service to others? Yes No Thank you for your feedback! Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.